I will lecture principles of computational and mechanical intelligence. Principles in computational intelligence include Turing machine and search. Principles in mechanical intelligence cover object manipulation and computer vision. (Dept. Robotics, B2)
1st | 9/27 | Robot Intelligence: Computation, Mechanics, Intelligence |
| 2nd | 10/4 | Turing machine: state, symbols, transition |
| 3rd | 10/18 | Turing machine: diagonal argument, halt problem |
| 4th | 10/20 | Search: graphs, shortest path, Dijkstra method |
| 5th | 10/25 | Search: robot motion planning, probabilistic roadmaps |
| 6th | 11/1 | Object manipulation: contact states, contact state graph (1st quiz) |
| 7th | 11/8 | Object manipulation: contact, admissible motion |
| 8th | 11/15 | Object manipulation: grasping, form/force closure |
| 9th | 11/22 | Compliance: potential energy, stiffness matrix |
| 10th | 11/29 | Compliance: center of compliance, RCC |
| 11th | 12/6 | Computer vision: digital images, 2D Fourier transform (2nd quiz) |
| 12th | 12/13 | Computer vision: matched filter, phase-only matching, rotation-invariant POM |
| 13th | 12/20 | Computer vision: SIFT, SURF |
| 14th | 1/10 | Soft-fingered manipulation: fingertip model, simulation, delay |
| 15th | 1/17 | Wrap-up |