I will lecture principles of computational and mechanical intelligence. Principles in computational intelligence include logic, Turing machine, and search. Principles in mechanical intelligence cover computer
vision and object manipulation. (Dept. Robotics, B2)
1st | Historical perspective |
| 2nd | Propositional logic |
| 3rd | First-order predicate logic |
| 4th | Computer and Turing machine |
| 5th | Computer and Turing machine (1st quiz) |
| 6th | Search (graphs, trees) |
| 7th | Search (Dijkstra method, branch and bound) |
| 8th | Motion planning of mobile robot |
| 9th | Motion planning of mobile robot (2nd quiz) |
| 10th | Computer vision (digital images, filtering) |
| 11th | Computer vision (correlation, matched filter) |
| 12th | Computer vision (Hough transform) |
| 13th | Object manipulation (contact state graphs, form/force closure) |
| 14th | Object manipulation (compliance, RCC) |
| 15th | Object manipulation (soft-fingered manipulation) |