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Printable hand

Contacting Operations by Aerial Robots

Tensegrity robot

Micro pneumatic valve

Soft-fingered manipulation

Circular/spherical soft robots

Food modeling

Belt object manipulation

Needle insertion simulation

Cloth manipulation

Micro part feeding

CMOS+FPGA vision

FPGA vision

Linear object manipulation

Card separation

Pneumatic soft actuators

Virtual rheological objects

Rheological object forming

Impulsive sorter

Object picking

Simultaneous positioning

Video Gallery

IPMC Sensors in Soft Hands
IPMC Sensor Estimating Curvature of Soft Finger

Planar Shell Gripper
Field Test

Planar Shell Gripper
grasping cucumbers

Oral Care Simulator
Easyly Attachable Simulator

Oral Care Simulator
showing polishing process by LED

Oral Care Simulator
showing polishing process

Shell Gripper
picking various food materials

Shell Gripper

Needle Gripper
grasping and piercing

Needle Gripper
grasping shredded cabbage (4x)

Wrapping Gripper
picking corn

Wrapping Gripper
picking hijiki

Food Property Sensing
measuring viscoelastic properties of pudding

Aerial Pruning
pruning a tree branch

Printable hand
Printable hand picking up a bread

Printable hand
Printable hand picking up a piece of salmon

Printable hand
Packing food materials into a lunch box

Binding hand
Demonstration at iREX 2015 (69.4MB)

Binding hand
grasping a cup with jerry beans (mp4 80.7MB)

Fabric sensor
Fabric tactile sensor (iREX2013) (avi 0.7MB)

Fabric sensor
Fabric proximity sensor (iREX2013) (avi 0.5MB)

Fabric sensor
detecting slippage (mpg 9.3MB)

Micro pneumatic valve
Driving a hand (iREX2013) (mov 42.6MB)

Micro pneumatic valve
Robot finger driving (wmv 0.7MB)

Haptic image processing
detecting slippage (mov 14.2MB)

Tensegrity robot
Rolling of 6-strut robot (mpg 4.2MB)

Micro part feeding
Surface fabricated by femto-second laser (wmv 2.6MB)

Photo Gallery

SIP demonstration room
Model line

SIP demonstration room
Model line

SIP demonstration room
Model line

Shell Gripper
Circuler shell gripper

Wrapping Gripper
Wrapping gripper open

Vision for Food Handling
Surface of chopped food materials

Oral Model
measuring motion and force

Prestretched Hand
grasping bread

Prestretched Hand
grasping fried chicken

Prestretched Hand
grasping salmon

Prestretched Hand
grasping cup

Printable Hand
grasping cup

Aerial Pruning
Aerial robot for pruning

Micro Pneumatic Valve
Three-way valve

Micro Pneumatic Valve
Robotic finger with microvalves

Binding Hand
Hand for cup grasping

Tensegrity robot
6-strut robot prototype

Belt object manipulation
Vision-guided flat cable guidance

Micro Pneumatic Valve
Robotic finger with microvalves

Organ/tissue modeling
Fingertip model

Food modeling
Final shape in bacon deformation

FPGA vision
System setup

Pneumatic soft actuators
PGA bend motion

Pneumatic soft actuators
PGA translation

Pneumatic soft actuators
SMT bend motion

Grasping manipulation
grasping manipulation of sponge

Extraction of Human Manipulative Skills
Human operation measuring

Extraction of Human Manipulative Skills
Human operation measuring

Linear object modeling
Spatial deformation

Linear object modeling
Non-symmetric deformation

Linear object modeling