Robot Food Manipulation Challenge Trial 2022

The 3rd Robot Food Manipulation Challenge Trial (Robot Wine Pouring Challenge) was held on May 26, 2022.


Each team will drive a UR robot manipulator to pour beads (substitutes for wine) into a glass fixed on the table. Beads are contained in multiple containers, such as plastic bottles and cups. detailed rules


Kako, Sato, Miyashita Takebayashi Niida, Miyamoto Yamamoto
Katsuno Kutani, Hanamura, Hamada Usagawa, Chou
(click images to see videos)

wine bottlePET bottlemeasuring cupcuptotalidea
Kako, Sato, Miyashita100 10010071, 99, 10040011.2
Takebayashi 100 100100100 40013.0
Niida, Miyamoto 100 10010099, 100 40010.0
Yamamoto 10099, 100 200 9.8
Katsuno 14, 0, 88100100100 38810.0
Kutani, Hanamura, Hamada100 100100100 40010.5
Usagawa, Chou 100 100 7.0



wine bottle
PET bottle
measuring cup