softfinger Soft-fingered Manipulation

Heads: Shinichi Hirai
Contact: Takahiro Inoue

Date: 2001 -

Mailing address:
Dept. Robotics, Ritsumeikan Univ.
Kusatsu, Shiga 525-8577, Japan

Supported by:
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (No.20246049) 2008 - 2010 (Shinichi Hirai)
Soft Tissue Mechanics in Human Dexterity via Internal Sensing

Associated lab/group:
Sugiyama Lab.(Dept. Micro System Technology)

Jump to: Project Description | Personnel | Publications | Notes | Related Sites

Project Description

The goal of this research is to perform dexterous and stable object manipulation using soft-fingered mechanical hands. The location of a manipulated object measured by a realtime vision system and the grasping force measured by a tactile sensor are fedback to the hand motion to realize stable grasping and manipulation. We are interested in the modeling of soft fingertips and the control law for grasping and manipulation.
2009/12/21 Yujiro Yamazaki was nominated to Finalist of 2009 IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and Biomimetics Best Paper in Biomimetics by Two-Phased Force and Coordinates Controller for a Pair of 2-DOF Soft Fingers.
2009/1/1 Mechanics and Control of Soft-fingered Manipulation (ISBN 978-1-84800-980-6) was published by Springer-Verlag London Limited.
2008/9/10 Dr. Inoue and Hirai received the 2008 RSJ Best Paper Award for their paper Experimental Investigation of Mechanics in Soft-fingered Grasping and Manipulation.
2008/9/10 Dr. Inoue received the 2008 Young Investigation Excellence Award for his paper A New Object Orientation Control Method Generating Desired Joint Angles.
2008/9/8 Dr. Inoue received Best Presentation Award at the 2008 JSPE Intelligent Mechatronics Workshop.
2008/4/14 Proposal for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research "Soft Tissue Mechanics in Human Dexterity via Internal Sensing" was accepted. (HP)
2007/12/21 Dr. Inoue and Hirai received SICE 2007 SI Division Research Encouragement Award.
2007/3/15 Dr. Inoue and Prof. Hirai received the Best Paper Award in the 12th Robotics Symposia for their paper Dynamics in Object Manipulation by a Pair of Spft Fingertips. (HP)
2006/5/17 Takahiro Inoue was nominated to Finalist of 2006 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation Best Manipulation Paper Award by Study on Hemispherical Soft-Fingered Handling for Fine Manipulation by Minimum D.O.F. Robotic Hand.
2005/12/22 Takahiro Inoue received IEEE Kansai Chapter Student Encouragement Award.
2005/4/20 Takahiro Inoue was nominated to Finalist of 2005 IEEE Int. Conf. Robotics and Automation Best Manipulation Paper Award by Quasi-Static Manipulation with Hemispherical Soft Fingertip via Two Rotational Fingers.
2004/12/7 Lecture on How Softness Contributes to Dexterity in Object Manipulation at the startup meeting of soft object handling research group, Kagawa University.
2003/4/10 Project on soft-fingered manipulation was introduced in a Japanese book Coming Astro Boy (ISBN4-410-13828-6).
2001/7/4 Introduced in Yomiuri Shimbun 2001/7/4 "Scientist in new generation".

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Grasping force control by a pair of 1-DOF fingers

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Posture control by a pair of 1-DOF fingers




Name Title Degree
Takahiro Inoue "Associate Professor, Tokyo Denki University" Ph.D
Yuki Mimori D3
Daisuke Mochizuki Graduated Master of Eng.
Junichi Ishikawa Graduated Master of Eng.
Yasutaka Nakatani Graduated Master of Eng.
Hiroaki Uemoto Graduated Master of Eng.
Yujiro Yamazaki Graduated Master of Eng.
Yasuo Minamitani Graduated Master of Eng.
Ikuo Fujii Graduated Master of Eng.
Kenta Okada Graduated
Shinya Kita Graduated


Book Chapters



Non-spherical soft fingertips (avi 2.9MB)

Manipulation by a pair of 2-DOF fingers (mpg 13.4MB)

Simulating manipulation by a pair of 2-DOF fingers (avi 7.9MB)

Simulating manipulation by a pair of 1-DOF fingers (mpg 9.0MB)

Natural stability of grasped object (mov 9.5MB)

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