Living Organism Manipulation


In this research, we explore the principle in manipulation of living organisms with spontaneous motion to perform their grasping and manipulation by robotic hands.

silkworm manipulation jellyfish manipulation
silkworm grasping and manipulation jellyfish grasping and manipulation
2023/9/23 Demonstrating Jellyfish Catcher at E-Kagen Robots at Fukuoka City Science Museum
2023/9/13 Nate, Wang, and Hirai received RSJ 4th Excellent Research and Technology Award.
by Mr. Maeda by Prof. Endo by Nate by Mr. Maeda
2023/6/2 Presenting "Soft Hands Grasping and Manipulating Living Organisms" at ICRA23 workshop on robot assisted safe manipulation of hazardous materials
2023/5/31 Nate received IEEE RAS Japan Joint Chapter Young Award (ICRA2023).
2022/12/4 Demonstrating Jellyfish Catching Robot at E-kagen Robot Exhibition
2022/3/14-3/15 Science of Soft Robot Meeting at Tsuruoka (Kamo Aquarium & Suiden Terrasse)




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